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Known causes of IPD must be excluded. In all cases, chest X-ray, pulmonary function tests, and high-resolution CT (HRCT) are performed. The latter makes it possible to differentiate lesions of the hollow spaces from those of interstitial tissues, provide a more accurate assessment of the extent and location of the lesion, and are more likely to detect underlying or concomitant disease (eg, occult mediastinal lymphadenopathy, malignancies, and emphysema).
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A lung biopsy is usually required to confirm the diagnosis, unless the diagnosis is made by HRCT. Bronchoscopic transbronchial biopsy can rule out IBLAP by establishing the diagnosis of another disease, but does not provide sufficient tissue to diagnose IBLAB. As a result, diagnosis may require biopsy of a large number of sites during open or video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Bronchoalveolar lavage helps narrow the differential diagnosis in some patients and provides information about disease progression and response to buy ciprofloxacin online. However, the benefit of this procedure isInitial clinical examination and further observation in most cases of this disease was not established.
Diagnosis of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia. Interstitial or idiopathic pneumonia (IP) is a rapidly developing inflammation that forms in the area of the alveolar walls and connective tissues of the parenchyma. During the progression of the disease, the formation of exudative fluid inside the alveoli and the transition of the structural elements of the lungs into a fibrous form are possible. Pathology refers to acute primary or chronic processes that cause respiratory dysfunction. The disease is a severe form of pneumonia. In addition to the listed groups, pathology is divided into focal and diffuse forms.
The most common types in clinical practice are IPF and NSIP. It is worth noting that IPF is more common in men aged about 65 years, while other forms of IP are more often diagnosed in women aged 35-55 years. NSIP and DIP are forms of interstitial pneumonia in some cases diagnosed in children. Causes of the disease and provoking factors. Infectious causes of the development of the inflammatory process include infection. The development of parasitic pneumocytosis is possible, but most often the disease develops due to buy ciplox online.
Factors provoking interstitial pneumonia. If the exact cause of the disease cannot be determined, the pathology is considered idiopathic. Symptoms of interstitial pneumonia. Interstitial pneumonia resembles the development of pneumonitis or alveolitis and affects both the alveolar walls and the extra-alveolar connective structures of the lungs. It is also possible for secondary exudative fluid to form inside the alveolar cavity. In the first stages of development, inflammation affects the connective tissues of the lungs, leading to the accumulation of immunocompetent cells in their area. Immunocompetent cells, in turn, synthesize damaging mediators and fibrogenic factors, leading to the development of fibroproliferative reactions.
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General signs of the disease can be confused with other pathologies of the respiratory system, so it is worth highlighting more specific signs of the development of interstitial pneumonia. In the process of diagnosing pathology, a number of difficulties may arise related to the classification of symptoms and research results. A number of activities are also possible aimed at studying the nature of the pathogenic infection in cases of bacterial type interstitial lung disease.
Treatment of interstitial pneumonia. The time of detection of pathology, as well as the type of disease, have a significant impact on the speed of ciplox therapy and prognosis. In each individual case, it is necessary to use a certain course of medications both for clinical treatment and to eliminate symptoms.
The use of cytostatic drugs is prescribed in cases where there are no visible results from corticosteroid therapy. In case of a serious condition, a complex of antibiotics and necessary probiotics is used to preserve the body's microflora. Probiotics have separate instructions and are also used to prevent microflora disorders. Possible antifibrotic drugs.